Validation. Uncertainty. Control chart.
Ciclo AQAC (Analytical Quality Assurance)
The ConfLab Software is based on AQAC (Analytical Quality Assurance Cycle) concept [01], published in one of the most important international journals (with the most impact factor in analytical chemisty) and currently applied in numerous references for validation, uncertainty and Quality Control [02-05].
In this way, ConfLab introduces the validation module, in which all statistical tests comply with the most rigorosous validation protocols; The uncertainty module that makes an appropriate estimate using validation information and equipments applied during the analysis; and the quality control module, capable to monitor the results during the routine using control charts.
Considering that these calculations are related in the same database, it is possible, through the AQAC, to update the validation data and uncertainty estimation based on the results of the quality control.
Currently, the validation, uncertainty estimation and quality control are prominent requirements in the current edition of ISO/IEC 17025, this way, ConfLab is an excellent ally to meet 100% of these requirements.
[01] Ciclo AQAC (Analytical Quality Assurance Cycle). Ref. Olivares, I. R. B.; Lopes, F. A. Essential steps to providing reliable results using the Analytical Quality Assurance Cycle. Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Regular ed.). v.35, p.109 - 121, 2012.
[02] Brazilian Compendium of Animal feed (Sindirações)-2017.
[03] Method Validation for food analysis: focus on Centesimal analysis. Comitê Técnico de Química de Alimentos da REMESP, 106 pg, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-69725-00-8.
[04] Analytical Quality Assurance Guide: Identity and quality of food. Brasília: Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-7991-093-7.
[05] Olivares, Igor Renato. Laboratory Quality Management (3rd Edition – revised and expanded). 3. ed. Campinas: Átomo e Alínea, 2015. 160 p (3ª edição em Português e Inglês) www.qualilab.net
Know the ConfLab softwares.

Method Validation
It evaluates the degree of confidence in the laboratory method, standard or developed, according to statistical studies through various parameters with the issuance of a final report with the results obtained.

It estimates the variations arising from the analytical method that is applied to the measurement.

Quality control
Maintains the quality confidence of its analytical results by monitoring the laboratory routine (by applying control charts).

Advantages of the Software.
- It's not a spreadsheet. It's Software!
- Fast and easy to use
- No need to enter with any formula, the software calculates any parameter without the need for deep knowledge of statistics.
- Portability: Access from your computer, tablet or mobile from anywhere on the planet.
- Developed to operate with any validation guide or standard
- Provide the criteria and the software warns you when the parameter is not met.
- Developed with focus on the new ISO 17025:2017
- Fully traceable (documents, personnel and equipment) to meet your quality management system
- Create numerous projects that contemplate the Analytical Quality Assurance Cycle - AQAC (validation-uncertainty-control chart)
- Delivers full and customizable reports
- Validated software (receive the software validation report within the system itself)
- All projects are stored and can be accessed from anywhere on any platform
- Perfect for companies, laboratories and universities
About the creators.
Prof. Dr. Igor Renato Bertoni Olivares,is a professor at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of São Paulo (teaching different disciplines in the area of quality management for laboratories). He has worked as external auditor for Cgcre/Inmetro (brazilian accreditation entity) for laboratory evaluation according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements since 2009. He has been conducting consulting and training in laboratories for over 15 years. He worked during 08 years as a consultant for the National Agricultural Laboratory (LANAGRO) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA). He has many publications in the area of quality management in laboratories, highlighting the book "Laboratory Quality Management" (published in 2006, currently already in its 3rd edition published in 2015 in the Portuguese and 2016 in English - www.qualilab.net).
Know moreProf. Dr. Vitor Hugo Polisél Pacces,is a professor at the Institute of Chemistry of the University of São Paulo (teaching different disciplines in the area of quality management for laboratories). He has worked as external auditor for Cgcre/Inmetro (brazilian accreditation entity) for laboratory evaluation according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements since 2012. He has been conducting consulting and training in laboratories for over 15 years. He worked during 08 years as a consultant for the National Agricultural Laboratory (LANAGRO) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA). He has many publications and software patents in the area of quality management in laboratories.>
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Validation, uncertainty and quality control
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